Action, Adventure, Romance, Family, Classics, Award-Winners, Marvel, Disney, Television & Streaming Hits...we have nearly 2500 movies on DVD for you to choose from, with all the hot new titles turning up on our shelves almost as soon as they're released! If there's something we don't have that you'd like to see, please feel free to let us know as we're always working on growing our collection to best meet your needs.
All DVDs may be checked out for a period of 7 days at a time.
As long as no one else is waiting for a DVD you've checked out, it will automatically renew two times.
The maximum number of DVDs allowed to be checked out per card is 6 for adult cards and 4 for children's cards. This is the total number of DVDs that you can borrow, whether you check them all out on the same day or lesser amounts on different days.
We are now a FINE FREE library! No matter how overdue your materials are or how large a fine balance you've accrued, bring your DVDs back and we'll waive all your fees. Yes, ALL of them. You get a fresh start and we get our DVDs back...it's a win-win! Replacement fees for lost or damaged DVDs still apply.
All DVDs may be checked out for a period of 7 days at a time.
As long as no one else is waiting for a DVD you've checked out, it will automatically renew two times.
The maximum number of DVDs allowed to be checked out per card is 6 for adult cards and 4 for children's cards. This is the total number of DVDs that you can borrow, whether you check them all out on the same day or lesser amounts on different days.
We are now a FINE FREE library! No matter how overdue your materials are or how large a fine balance you've accrued, bring your DVDs back and we'll waive all your fees. Yes, ALL of them. You get a fresh start and we get our DVDs back...it's a win-win! Replacement fees for lost or damaged DVDs still apply.